You can change a life and help someone get off the streets today!

You can change a life and help someone get off the streets today!

When you’re experiencing hunger, you can’t think about change.
All you can think about is survival.

Everett Gospel Mission engages with the community to alleviate poverty. Each $2.05 you give helps feed one man, woman or child experiencing hunger or homelessness in Snohomish County.

It Starts with a Meal but Becomes More

Addressing someone’s hunger is the first step to change and to helping them get off the streets.


A healthy meal fills empty stomachs and is often what first brings someone to the Mission and builds positive relationships with our volunteers and staff.

Hover boxes for more!

Safe Shelter

Safe Shelter

Every night someone has a safe place to sleep off the street is another opportunity to see the new life that’s possible.

Addiction Recovery Program

Addiction Recovery Program

Practice tools to overcome addiction can become a foundation to a life off the streets for good.

Job Training & Career Assistance

Job Training & Career Assistance

Learning new skills, help with resumes and transportation assistance to interviews helps them earn a living wage and afford housing.

Life-Skills Classes

Life-Skills Classes

Classes such as budgeting, money management and anger management help men and women have steady, consistent success as they start a new life.

Housing Assistance

Housing Assistance

Traditional housing helps men and women begin to live independently as they begin to step out on their own.

From Living on the Streets. . . to Helping Others

When James retired, he was 54 years old and successful. And he was a highly functioning addict. 

After retirement, he began his own company, and was doing well. But soon his addiction raged out of control. It didn’t take long for him to lose everything: his company, his house, his savings.  

For over two years, James was on the streets, living in his car or sleeping on friends’ couches. 

“I just got to the point I couldn’t do it anymore,” he says. “I woke up one night, it was middle of October out in the back seat of a car out in Granite Falls with me and my dog. I cried out to God and He heard me.”

James reached out to a friend, who helped him find a 30 day recovery program. Then he came to the Mission, where he enrolled in our Genesis program. As he continued his recovery and rebuilt his life, he wanted to give back. So he started volunteering.

He sat at the front desk overnight at the Men’s shelter, building connections with people and simply listening when they needed to talk. He gained a new perspective that continues to impact him today:

“When you look at that person on the street, see them for who they are. . .That’s somebody’s kid, somebody’s father, somebody’s brother.”

James celebrated 9 years of recovery this year. He’s living in his own apartment, and still volunteers to help others. He tries to help others as much as he can, encouraging them in their own recovery, doing street outreach, whatever he can to help.

James is an example of how partners like you can help People Change Here.

Your $2.05 helps feed one person.

But when you give, you give more than a meal. Your gift also declares and demonstrates the love of Jesus, builds trust and establishes relationships that lead to lasting change!

Because of you!

Each $2.05 you give will provide a meal. Each meal can be the start of a changed life, off the streets!

At the Mission, we love Jesus and He is the reason we do everything we do. We believe He has called us to help and love all of our neighbors regardless of age, gender, race or religion.

“For the needy shall not always be forgotten, and the hope of the poor shall not perish forever.”

– Psalm 9:18